Simple Steps to Follow: Get Ready before your next Interview
Simple Steps: Prepared for your Next Interview by Deborah Bruno August 21, 2015
It is normal to get excited once you are scheduled for an interview. However, with excitement comes the feeling of nervousness which may make the interview difficult. This is evident especially if you have not interviewed in years.
Here are 5 Simple Steps to get ready for that interview:
1. Preparation. There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for an interview. Have you gone to their web site? Do you know which position you are interviewing for? Do you know who you are interviewing with? Have you looked up their profile on the company web site or LinkedIn? If you are not prepared, the interviewer is going to think you have a low interest for the role.
2. Dress for Success. Dress for the role you want and not the one you have. A clean suit is your best option unless they tell you otherwise. Keep with solid colors. For men a dark suit is best. For women, dark colors, not too much jewelry or make-up.
3. Bring a Resume(s). Do not assume they have it. May sound silly but many candidates forget an interview. Bring a few copies as you may get introduced to other members of the organization.
4. Ask Questions. Have a portfolio with questions written down. This will show you have done your homework. Try to come up with questions that come from beyond the website. See if there are other news about the organization that could be a good talking point during the interview.
5. Close the Interview & Follow Up. Make sure you ask what the next step in the interview will be and make sure you ask them if you will be moving to that next step. If you ask this question, the interviewer may have s0me concerns that you may be able to overcome at the interview. Within 24 hours (recommended that evening), send a thank you to the interviewer expressing your interest in the role. You may want to highlight 1-2 points you covered during the interview on why you feel you are a fit for the role. Step 5 – is the most important part of the interview.
Keep these in mind as they will help you get that next offer!