Recruiting during a crisis – the Coronavirus? Can it be done? I say YES! Clients should be interviewing!
Direct Sales Recruiting, LLC started almost 20 years ago on August 15, 2001. Then one month later, September 11th, 2001 happened. Did we ever think that could happen? No. It was me and one client that gave me a contract and failure was not an option. I was working at home and raising two small boys. I remained focused and keep on delivering candidates to my client. One client quickly grew to five and I realized I was on to something. I started building the business. I built my team to 15; hiring 10 full time employees and 5 part-time stay at home moms. We had continued success; hiring to 500 each year through 2008. We had really mastered high frequency recruiting with a limited staff.
Then the economy was hit in 2008 and 2009. I lost most of my staff but the ones that stayed I promised we can get through this and we did. The risk was much higher since I had employees, an office and fixed monthly expenses. I had clients that were still hiring since they knew this would not be permanent. Although hiring was not as high, we were still hiring for our clients. I eventually rebounded and built the team back to 12. Every year since 2010 our business has grown. We have expanded to many more industries and levels of sales positions. I am very fortunate to a dedicated team and fantastic clients that value our partnership. DSR has an exceptional ability to partner with clients as extension of their organization. We have a keen ability to listen to our clients; identify talent while creating a seamless recruiting process.
Now we have the 2020 Coronavirus. We did not see this coming and it will affect everyone in some way. However, we will rebound from this. Although there are many companies downsizing and / or on a hiring freeze, there are many still hiring for sales. Clients should realize now this is a great time to interview (virtually). The interview process can be extended as companies can be more selective in their process. There is a larger pool of qualified candidates that have the time to interview. Offers may get slightly delayed but with technology may companies are moving to virtual training environment. The companies that decide to continue to actively interview and hire will be ahead of their competitors. By the time this rebounds, they would have already hired the best sales talent.
CANDIDATES: Please visit www.directhr.com to view our open positions. Our clients are looking for a specific profile / background /education so if you match these openings, please apply. If not send a resume to [email protected] for future openings.
CLIENTS: Please email me to set up a call to learn more about our services. We recruit for all and any level of sales (Inside sales to Enterprise Sales as well as all levels of Sales Management).
I may look more natural since I am staying home but even more determined as we hit our 20 year benchmark in Aug.
Direct Sales Recruiting is determined to succeed in 2020 and we will get through this. Please practice social distancing and be safe.