Interview Tip: Video Interviewing
Video Interviewing: How to Nail a Video Interview
By: Jamie Presley, Senior Account Manager, Direct Sales Recruiting, LLC
Nov, 21, 2014
With the ever changing capabilities of technology, forward thinking companies are opting to do video interviews in lieu of face to face interviews. Whether they are using Skype or Go To Meeting, companies are branching out and using the latest technology in their interviewing processes. As daunting as a video interview may sound, preparing for one should be no different than preparing for an in person interview.
Here are some tips to help you be a better video interviewer:
- Treat it as if you are sitting in front of the hiring manager in person
- Be sure that prior to your interview you test whatever system you are using with someone else.
- Be sure you are doing this on a lap top or tablet. Please do not use your cellular device as sometimes this tends to be too small and the connection not as stable.
- Make sure you are in a quiet place with clean surroundings. You don’t want yesterday’s laundry hanging around.
- Be sure you are dressed business professional; this is a real interview. From the waist up, you would be in a suit, jacket, and tie.
- Have a copy of your resume in front of you and have several questions prepared
- Research all company information before getting on the video interview with the manager, as they may have questions for you about what you know about their company
- Be sure to close the interview and ask for an in person interview.
Please continue to check back with the Direct Your Success Blog for more resume, interview, and job hunt tips.