DirectHR’s “Direct Give Back” will be at Dewy Meadows Day, Saturday, Oct. 18
As part of “Direct Gives Back”, come visit members of DirectHR, from 11am to 3pm at Dewey Meadow Village on King George Road in Basking Ridge, NJ.
Members of DirectHR will be able to give some complimentary recruiting advice if you are seeking a new opportunity. If you are a client and need a great company to help source for candidates, we are here to better assist clients in the Morris County area. All the Merchants including DirectHR will be there. The Merchants Association of Dewy Meadow Village invites the public to attend Dewy Meadow Day to learn about the local businesses. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and participate in a Costume Parade, as well as complimentary pony rides, petting zoo, face painting, Raffles and much more. In addition, Dewy Meadow Day will feature an Adoption Day with FOWA Rescue and the German Short Haired Pointer of NJ Rescue. If you cannot attend and would like to learn about our services, please email us at [email protected]