Direct Sales Recruiting, LLC – Reflecting over the past 20 years in Business
What started out as an business idea, first became a consulting business for 1 client. I started this business out of a one of the bedrooms in my home and quickly realized I was on to something!
From being a Consultant in 2000, to one year later Direct Sales Recruiting, LLC started on 8/15/2001. Four weeks later, we experienced 9/11. No one would have thought something like this was impact us as much as it did. I had to remain positive and knew if I worked hard, I can get through this – “failure was not an option”. After 6-8 months; a persistent mindset, determined spirit and long hours; the business was starting to grow. I quickly moved my business into an office one year later. My clients were expanding and and I needed to hire and train a team of recruiters.
As in any role you do, it will always have its ups and downs. When I try to hire someone for my company, the same holds true. Recruiting is not easy as it looks. Our product or our commodity is “people” and people can be and are unpredictable. However, I teach my new reps that if you can manage the process and adjust to the unpredictability of this role, the end result will be a success.
Just like any unforeseen circumstances, no one ever anticipated a pandemic like this would happen in 2020. This is unlike any experience and very surreal. Everyone has had to re-adjust their life and we now to have to change the way we live and how we do business.
As we celebrate 20 years, we would normally have a company day celebration with the team, balloons and a big cake. Instead of a celebration, I would like to thank my team that I have in place today. I feel very fortunate to have them and together with our determined spirit and hard work, we will grow and get through this time. I would also like to thank my clients for partnership and believing in Direct HR and keeping us busy during these last 6 months.
To my Team and Clients and with sincere gratitude,
Thank you,